Body Treats

Our initial consultation is based on listening to clients concerns. A bespoke treatment plan will be advised and agreed to suit client’s concerns and fitting their life style.


Have you been searching for the best therapeutic massages? We’re pleased to announce that the search is over! At Aayna London, our experienced massage therapists have learned the industry’s top massage techniques to relax, revive and heal your body. Treat yourself to a luxurious massage to soothe your mind and uplift your mood.


A very therapeutic massage using oils infused with essential oils to loosen muscle tension and provide blood circulation through the body.


Using marine hot stones, this treatment works deeper into your muscle tissue leaving you feeling the results for longer than of a normal massage.

  • Relaxes and refreshes tired or knotted muscles.
  • Increases blood circulation.
  • Stimulates deep circulation both blood and lymphatic which helps your body heal and generally work more efficiently.


There are two options for this treatment: you could either choose the lymphatic infra-red-light therapy which involves wrapping your body in a warm blanket OR use our air pressure boots to ease muscle aches and pains. This lymphatic drainage treatment will help eliminate and detoxify your body leaving you feeling relaxed. You’ll also get the best sleep of your life!

Some of the benefits of this treatment are:
– Reduction in water retention.
– Noticeable weight loss.
– Reduction in swelling.
– Healthier pores.
– Healing of tissue scars and stretch marks postpartum or post weight loss.
– Cellulite reduction.

Body-Sculpt Contour

– Infrared light ; heats tissue superficially bi-polar radio frequency heats tissue upto 20mm in depth
– Vacuum technology ensures precise delivery of energy mechanical manipulation;
– Improves lymphatic drainage and cellulite smoothing

Body Contouring

The Non-invasive body contouring treatment with Infra Red Light and Roller Massager is used for the reduction of stubborn fat in areas such as the abdomen, love handles, back and thighs. Its combination of Infra Red and Radio frequency directs heated energy to your desired treatment areas. It requires no needles, no anesthesia and no downtime.
A non-invasive body contouring treatment breaks down fat cells and promotes natural fat elimination from the body. It is a popular option for those looking to reduce localized areas of fat and improve body shape.
No downtime
The procedure only takes 25 minutes per area of treatment
Multiple areas can be treated in the same session

Cellulite Reduction

The Radio Frequency method is effective for increasing blood circulation and tightening the skin. It causes the fatty deposits under your skin to drain out through your lymphatic system, which significantly reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Brazilian But Lift

BBl is becoming increasingly popular for the perfect beach body. With our non-invasive treatment clients can achieve lift and shape the bum and thighs to natural looking results. The treatment can prevent signs of ageing that affect the body such as the appearance of saddlebags around the thighs and cellulite or sagging skin.

Our initial consultation is based on listening to clients concerns. A bespoke treatment plan will be advised and agreed to suit client’s concerns and fitting their life style.
Book a Free Consultation Today!